Dental Sealant in Swanton, OH

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy requires daily brushing and flossing and regular visits to the dentist. However, considering that more than 50% of teenagers and 90% of adults have had at least one cavity in their lives, you need all the protection you can get. Dental sealants provide that extra protection against cavities. Here’s what you should know about getting dental sealants at our Swanton, OH dental office

What are Dental Sealants?  

Dental sealants are a thin, plastic coating painted on the chewing surfaces of the back teeth (molars) to prevent cavities. Because the back teeth are hard to reach when cleaning and contain tiny grooves known as pits and fissures, they’re more vulnerable to cavities. The primary function of teeth sealants is to seal out plaque and food residues from getting trapped in the ridges and depressions of teeth.  

Who are the Best Candidates for Getting Teeth Sealants

Children and teenagers are great candidates for dental sealants because they’re more vulnerable to tooth decay. Children should get sealants on their permanent premolars and molars as soon as these teeth come in. The first molars appear around age 6, and the second molars break through around age 12, and sealing them can help keep them cavity-free from the start. Adults, especially those prone to cavities, are also excellent candidates for teeth sealants.  

How Are Dental Sealants Applied? 

The application of dental sealants is a simple procedure that begins with cleaning your teeth to remove food residues and plaque. Your teeth are then dried and kept dry in readiness for the sealant. An acid solution is then used on the target tooth to roughen it and allow the sealant material to bond properly to the tooth.  

Afterward, a tooth-colored acrylic coating is painted onto the tooth’s surface. The paint-on liquid sealant quickly penetrates the grooves of the teeth and is cured (hardened) by an intense white light. This effectively seals the deep surface grooves acting as a barrier and protecting enamel from the acids that cause decay. 

Benefits of Dental Sealants 

  • Helps prevent tooth decay: According to the CDC, dental sealants protect against 80% of cavities for two years after application and continue to protect against 50% of cavities for up to 4 years. Additionally, sealants are durable under the force of normal chewing and can last several years before a reapplication is needed. 
  • Improves oral hygiene: It’s easier to practice proper oral hygiene with dental sealants.  
  • Quick, painless, and safe: Dental sealants are easy and painless to apply, only a few minutes to dry, and protection against cavities begins immediately after application. 
  • Cost savings: Sealants can eliminate the need for expensive and invasive treatments like dental fillings or crowns.  

How Do You Care For Sealants? 

With proper care, dentist sealants can protect your teeth from decay for up to 10 years, but they need to be checked for wearing or chipping at regular dental checkups. You also need to brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste twice daily and floss between your teeth at least once a day. 

How Do You Care For Sealants? 

With proper care, dentist sealants can protect your teeth from decay for up to 10 years, but they need to be checked for wearing or chipping at regular dental checkups. You also need to brush your teeth using a fluoride toothpaste twice daily and floss between your teeth at least once a day. 

How Much Do Dental Sealants Cost

Your dental benefits typically cover this cost for children’s dental care. If not, sealants are still a fraction of the cost of a filling or a root canal and will save you more money in the long run.

Prevent Cavities with Dental Sealants from Believe Dental Care 

Dental sealants act as a physical barrier between destructive bacteria and the vulnerable parts of teeth, preventing cavities and adding an extra level of protection. If you want to protect yourself or your child from cavities, please contact us today to schedule your next appointment.